Property Marketing





We specialise in branding, visualising and designing marketing collateral for landmark real estate projects



3D Visualisation


Digital Marketing

Lead Generation


Based in Madrid and Barcelona, our international team of over 30 designers, marketeers and 3D specialists, work daily on property developments around the World

Bnp Paribas
Bonavista Developments
Conren Tramway
Conren Land
Cushman & Wakefield
Emin Capital
Four Seasons
Louis Vuitton
Lucas Fox
Temprano Capital Partners
Trammell Crow Company 
Walt Disney Pictures


We are a partnership between three specialised studios, denkss in the property marketing sector, forma4d in 3D architecture and Wide in digital marketing

Let’s talk

Patricia Ercilla
Max Donaldson
Albert Canals
Patricia de Andrés

Gta. de Rubén Darío 3, Bajos D. 28010. Madrid

formadenkss copyright @ 2024

Let’s talk

Gta. de Rubén Darío 3, Bajos D. 28010. Madrid

formadenkss copyright @ 2024

Privacy Policy

Denkane Studios S.L (denkss), in accordance with applicable legislation on the protection of personal data, informs users of the website (hereinafter referred to as, the Website) the Privacy and Data Protection Policy that it shall apply when processing any personal data voluntarily provided by the User upon accessing

The User, by providing denkss with its personal data via the Website’s electronic forms or contact section and, where appropriate, by ticking the relevant acceptance box, expressly consents to the processing by denkss. of such data in accordance with that set forth in this Privacy and Data Protection Policy and for the purposes expressed herein. 

The user authorizes denkss the use of the information. 

denkss informs users of the Website that their personal data may only be obtained for the purposes of its processing when it is adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the specific, explicit and lawful scope and purposes for which it was obtained. 

Such data shall be cancelled when it is no longer necessary or relevant for said purpose or when the owner so requests in the exercise of its right to erasure.

denkss expresses its commitment to comply at all times with the applicable legislation on data protection.

Any personal data provided shall be processed by denkss and shall be used pursuant to the following information.


What personal data do we collect and what do we use it for?

  • Data collected directly: via the voluntary completion of the contact form or when sending emails.
  • Data collected indirectly via the use of cookies: for the purposes of producing statistics, to analyse the use made of our Website and to provide value-added services such as the location map to our offices and developments.The table below provides detailed information about the processing of your personal data, including the following headings:
  • Main purpose: to identify the purpose for which we need to collect your data, that is, the reason why we process your information.
  • Capacity: the capacity in which we process your data is detailed.
  • Time limits for data storing: the specific time limit for data storing or the criteria that determine said time limit are identified.
  • Recipients: we identify, where appropriate, with whom we shall lawfully share your data.
  • Rights of the persons concerned: we inform you about your rights as a person concerned in the processing of your personal data.



  • Data controller:  DenkaneStudios S.L (denkss)
  • Tax ID no. B-63757561 
  • Address: Calle Mallorca, 214, 5,1. 08008. Barcelona – España
  • Phone number: +34 936 395 638
  • Email:



Contact form: to address requests for information requested via the contact form.

Cookies: to produce statistics associated with the use of the Website, and to locate our offices and developments.

Capacity and storing: The basis for the processing of the data is the consent given by the user when checking the acceptance box.


The fields in the contact form marked with an asterisk (*) are considered mandatory fields to manage the form’s object. Should you decide not to complete said fields, we will not be able to address your request.

Please refer to our Cookie Policy to obtain more information about the cookies that are necessary for the smooth functioning of the website.

Contact details shall be stored for the time necessary to address your query and for as long as their deletion is not requested.

Please refer to our Cookie Policy to identify the validity of each cookie.

Recipients of international transfers. No transfers of the data collected via our website are envisaged.


Rights of the persons concerned

You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability, limitation or opposition by writing to the address detailed above.

The persons concerned are entitled to withdraw the consent given.

The persons concerned are entitled to complain to the Control Authority (namely, the Spanish Data Protection Agency:

Users shall be solely responsible for the accuracy of the data provided to denkss.

denss adopts the necessary technical and organisational measures to guarantee the security of the personal data and to prevent their alteration, loss, and unauthorised processing or access, in light of current technology, the nature of the data and the risks to which it is exposed.

Any changes made to the Privacy Policy and information management practices shall be reflected in a timely manner, and denkss may add, change or delete said privacy policy when deemed necessary.

In no case shall denkss modify the policies or practices to make them less effective as regards the protection of our customers’ personal data that have been previously stored, without the prior consent of the customer in question.


Last update: 1st of February, 2023

Legal Notice

This Legal Notice regulates the use of the website (hereinafter referred to as, the Website), which is owned by Denkane Studios S.L (denkss), with TAX id (CIF) B63757561, and registered address at Calle Mallorca, 214, 5,1. Barcelona – España; and registered in the Trade Register 37317, file 20, page B306992.



Users hereby undertake to not use the Website to engage in activities for purposes contrary to the law, morals or public order, and, in general, to make use of the Website in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Legal Notice.

denkss hereby acts, exclusively, as the party responsible for the Website in its capacity as information service provider of its own services, and shall not be responsible for content that, in contravention of this notice, users may send or publish, and users shall be solely responsible for the truthfulness and lawfulness of said content.

denkss may interrupt the Website service being used by any user and immediately terminate the relationship with said user where it detects a use of the Website or any service offered thereon that may be considered contrary to that set forth in this Legal Notice.



This entire Website—namely, its text, images, brands, graphics, logos, buttons, software files, colour combinations, as well as the structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its content—is protected by intellectual and industrial property laws, and its reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation is hereby prohibited, save for personal and private use.

denkss does not guarantee the accuracy or error freeness of the content, nor does it guarantee that the free use of said content by users does not infringe third-party rights. The sound use or misuse of this Website and its content is under users’ responsibility.

The reproduction, broadcasting, copying, transfer or redistribution—whether in whole or in part, and regardless of its purpose and the means used in connection therewith—of the information contained on the Website, without denkss’ prior authorisation is likewise prohibited.


  1. LINKS

The Website may include links to third-party sites. Third-party websites have not been reviewed nor are they subject to controls by denkss, who may not be held liable for the content of such websites nor for the measures said third parties may adopt regarding your privacy or the processing of your personal data.

denkss recommends the close reading of the terms of use and privacy policy of said third-party sites.

Should you be interested in activating a link to any of denkss sites, you must notify this to denkss and obtain denkss express consent to activate such link. denkss reserves the right to object to the activation of links to its website.



denkss reminds users of legal age, who are responsible for minors, that it shall be their sole responsibility to determine which services and/or content are not appropriate for said minor.

denkss informs you that there are computer programmes that allow you to filter and block access to certain content and services, so that you can determine to which Internet content and services minors should have access.



denkss shall not be directly or subsidiarily liable for:

  • The quality of the service, speed of access, or smooth functioning, nor shall it be liable for the availability of or continuity in the functioning of the Website.
  • Damages that may be caused to the user’s equipment due to the use of the Website.
  • Circumstances where a third party, in breach of the security measures in place, accesses the messages or uses them to spread computer viruses.
  • Deficiencies and defects of all kinds relating to any content transmitted, disseminated, stored or made available.
  • The legality, reliability and usefulness of the content transmitted by users via the use of the website or the services offered thereon, nor shall it be liable for its truthfulness or accuracy. denkss does not control the use that users make of the Website, nor does it guarantee that they do so in accordance with the provisions of this Legal Notice.

By way of example but not limited thereto, users shall be responsible for:

  • Any content entered by them, particularly for any data and information entered and sent to denkss via the Website.
  • Performing any kind of action that is unlawful, harmful to the rights of others, injurious and/or detrimental.
  • The provision of inaccurate or incorrect data.



This Legal Notice is drafted in English and is subject to the Spanish legislation in force. In the event of disputes arising from the use of the services offered on the Website or its content, the parties, by accepting that set forth in this Legal Notice, shall submit to the competent Courts and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona.


Last update: 1st of February, 2023

Cookies policy


We have created this Cookies Policy in order to inform you of what they are and why we use cookies on our website (hereinafter, the “Website”), whose owner  DenkaneStudios S.L (denkss), with tax identification number (CIF)  B-63757561 and domicile in Calle Mallorca, 214, 5,1. 08008. Barcelona – España, and prove our ongoing commitment to protect your privacy.



First-level information clause or pop-up window.

We use our own and third-party cookies in order to monitor browsing habits and traffic generated for statistical purposes, and to show you the location to our offices and developments.

Second-level information clause. Configuration Panel.

We inform you, in compliance with applicable regulations, that this website uses its own and third-party cookies. A cookie is a file that is downloaded onto the user’s device when accessing the website, in order to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of said device/user.

Technical cookies: they allow users to browse the website, platform or application, and to use the various options or services provided thereon.

Functional cookies: they allow users to access the service with some predetermined general characteristics based on the criteria of the user’s device such as the language, the type of browser via which the service is accessed, the regional settings from where the service is accessed, etc.

Analysis cookies: they allow the party responsible for said cookies to monitor and analyse user behaviour of the websites to which they are linked. Information collected via this type of cookies is used to measure the activity of the website, application or platform, and to produce user browsing profiles in order to introduce improvements based on data analysis related to the use made by users of the service.



This website uses analysis services, specifically, Google Analytics to help the website analyse the use made by users and improve its usability, but in no case are they associated with data that could identify said user. Google Analytics is an analytical web service provided by Google, Inc. Users can see here the type of cookies used by Google. is a user of the WordPress blog supply and hosting platform, owned by the American company Automattic, Inc. To this end, the use of such cookies by systems is never under the control or management of the person responsible for the website, and said cookies can change their functionality at any time, and new cookies may be added. Furthermore, such cookies do not provide any benefit to the person responsible for this website. Automattic, Inc. also uses other cookies in order to help identify and track visitors to WordPress sites, learn about the use made of the Automattic website, as well as access preferences, as detailed in the “Cookies” section of their privacy policy.

Remarketing actions via Google AdWords, which uses cookies to help us offer specific online ads based on previous visits to our website. Google uses this information to show ads on various third-party websites via the Internet. These cookies are about to expire and do not contain information that can personally identify you. Please refer to the Privacy Notice of Google advertising for more information.

The website manages advertising campaigns that allows us to collect information about the audience in a centralised way. Cookies are commonly used to target ads based on content that is relevant to a user, to improve campaign performance reports and to avoid showing ads that the user has already seen.

When publishing an ad on a browser, the cookie ID of such browser may be used to check which ads have already been shown to that particular browser.

As an Internet user, you may at any time delete the information related to your browsing habits, and the related profile that has generated said habits, by visiting directly and free of charge

Disabling cookies by the browser. You can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by setting up the various options of the browser installed on your computer. Please read the help section of your browser carefully to learn more about how to activate the “private mode” or disable certain cookies.

  •   Internet Explorer: please refer to Microsoft‘s support section or Help section.
  •   Firefox: please refer to Mozilla‘s support section or Help section.
  •   Chrome: please refer to Google‘s support section or Help section.
  •   Safari: please refer to Apple‘s support section or Help section.


Updates and changes to the Cookie Policy.

The various cookies that appear on this website may not be related to the management and maintenance of said website, so regular reviews are performed to adapt our cookie policy.

The owner of the website assumes no responsibility for legal or technical problems caused by the breach on the part of the user of the recommendations included and shall not be responsible for the content and truthfulness of third-party privacy policies.

This Cookie Policy may be modified pursuant to legislative or regulatory requirements, or for the purpose of adapting said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency. Users are therefore advised to refer to it on a regular basis.

Should you have any queries about this cookie policy, you can contact us to


Last update: 1st of February, 2023


El usuario se obliga a no utilizar el sitio web para la realización de actividades contrarias a las leyes, a la moral, al orden público y, en general, a hacer un uso conforme a las condiciones establecidas en el presente Aviso Legal.

denkss actúa exclusivamente como responsable del sitio web en su condición de prestador de un servicio de información sobre sus propios servicios, no haciéndose responsable de los contenidos que, en contravención al presente aviso, los usuarios pudieran enviar o publicar, siendo el usuario el único responsable de la veracidad y licitud de los mismos.

denkss podrá interrumpir el servicio del sitio web que esté siendo utilizado por el usuario y resolver de modo inmediato la relación con el usuario si detecta un uso de la Página o de cualquiera de los servicios que en el mismo se ofertan que pueda considerar contrario a lo expresado en el presente Aviso Legal.



La totalidad de este sitio web: texto, imágenes, marcas, gráficos, logotipos, botones, archivos de software, combinaciones de colores, así como la estructura, selección, ordenación y presentación de sus contenidos, se encuentra protegida por las leyes sobre Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial, quedando prohibida su reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública y transformación, salvo para uso personal y privado.

denkss no garantiza que los contenidos sean precisos o libres de error o que el libre uso de los mismos por el usuario, no infrinja los derechos de terceras partes. El buen o mal uso de esta web y de sus contenidos está bajo la responsabilidad del usuario.

Asimismo, queda prohibida la reproducción, retransmisión, copia, cesión o redifusión, total o parcial, de la información contenida en el sitio web, cualquiera que fuera su finalidad y el medio utilizado para ello, sin autorización previa de denkss. 



El sitio web puede incluir enlaces o links a sitios de terceros. Las páginas pertenecientes a terceros no han sido revisadas ni son objeto de controles por parte de denkss, que no podrá ser considerada responsable de los contenidos de estos sitios web ni de las medidas que se adopten relativas a su privacidad o al tratamiento de sus datos de carácter personal.

denkss recomienda la lectura detenida de las condiciones de uso y la política de privacidad de estos sitios.

En caso de estar interesado en activar un enlace a alguna de las páginas de denkss deberá comunicarlo, obteniendo el consentimiento expreso para crear el enlace. denkss se reserva el derecho de oposición a la activación de enlaces con su sitio web.



denkss recuerda a los usuarios mayores de edad, que tengan a su cargo menores, que será de su exclusiva responsabilidad determinar qué servicios y/o contenidos son no apropiados para la edad de estos últimos.

denkss les informa que existen programas informáticos que permiten filtrar y bloquear el acceso a determinados contenidos y servicios, de tal forma que se pueda decidir cuáles son los contenidos y servicios de Internet a los que los menores pueden tener acceso y a cuáles no.



denkss no será responsable directa ni subsidiariamente de:

  • La calidad del servicio, la velocidad de acceso, el correcto funcionamiento ni la disponibilidad ni continuidad de funcionamiento del sitio web.
  • Los daños que puedan causarse en los equipos del usuario por la utilización del sitio web.
  • Los casos en que un tercero, quebrantando las medidas de seguridad establecidas, acceda a los mensajes o los utilice para la remisión de virus informáticos.
  • Los vicios y defectos de toda clase de los contenidos transmitidos, difundidos, almacenados o puestos a disposición.
  • La licitud, fiabilidad y utilidad de los contenidos que los usuarios transmitan con la utilización de la página o de los servicios en él ofertados, así como tampoco su veracidad o exactitud. denkss no controla la utilización que los usuarios hacen del sitio web, ni garantiza que lo hagan conforme a lo establecido en el presente Aviso Legal.

A título enunciativo y con carácter no limitativo, el usuario será responsable de:

  • De los contenidos introducidos por ellos, especialmente de los datos e informaciones introducidos y enviados a denkss por medio del sitio web.
  • De la realización de cualquier tipo de actuación ilícita, lesiva de derechos, nociva y/o perjudicial.
  • De la facilitación de datos no veraces o incorrectos.


  1. FUERO

El presente Aviso Legal se encuentra redactado en castellano y sometido a la legislación española vigente. Para cualquier tipo de controversia derivada de la utilización de los servicios ofrecidos o de los contenidos propios del sitio web, las partes, con la aceptación del clausulado establecido en el presente Aviso Legal, se someterán a los Tribunales y Juzgados competentes de Barcelona.


Última actualización: 11 de enero de 2023.